This is going to be an EXCITING WEEK! We are talking about Body Shapes ALL WEEK LONG!.
What is your Body Shape?
You may be asking why is this important to know?
Maybe you have sort of an idea of why this is important but haven’t grasped the full idea yet!
Or perhaps you are quite familiar with them and are just seeking new insights!
Well no matter the reason I’m here to help introduce you to and/or help you understand the significance of your body type better. First things first though…….to properly learn we must let go of pre-conceived notions and negative stigmas or associations. It’s hard to love and embrace your body while at the same time being critical of it. I want you to do the first of the two! Did you know that statistics show that 96% of women have a negative body image and don’t see themselves as beautiful? That’s a high percentage of women who are being critical of themselves! And I don’t say that to shame anyone because we all deal with insecurities—hopefully not on a consistent basis. But for alot of women the insecurities they feel are insurmountable.
But I do say this to point out that alot of the negativity I believe women have towards themselves is due to them not understanding their body shape and knowing how to dress it to. And trust me I understand the frustration. For years I didn’t know my own body type and dressed completely wrong for my body shape. Well not completely wrong—I hit some home runs but I had alot of strike outs too! Nowadays because I understand my body shape I know perfectly well what works on my body and have a higher dressing success rate. And believe you me that definitely made a difference on my self esteem! And I believe that knowledge will do the same for you. Remember there are no bad bodies only bad clothes!
Ok, great! I think we’re now all in a frame of mine to move forward now! Are you feeling all of those POSITIVE VIBES!!! So this week we’re going to dive in more into the topic of body shapes. So take another look at the pic above. It may take some time to study but can you pick out your body shape? Look at the proportions of each fruit/veggie/legume. We all are thinner in some places and fuller in others. Sometimes in order to get a better view of your shape you may need to stand in front of a mirror in your undergarments. Pick the one closest to you and we’ll discuss more on it!
I love bodies! They come in all shapes and sizes! Looking forward to chatting more about them with you this week!
*Hugs* Victoria