Are you a Serial Clothing Recycler?

There is one term in fashion that I find to be utterly ridiculous and that is —clothing recycling. Let me clarify, I like the idea of recycled clothing. I’m a big supporter of thrift shopping and passing clothes along. I thought that was the only definition of this terminology but it turns out it’s not. There’s a more crazy, sinister meaning—Ok, I’m being a bit dramatic. No but this term has been coined for celebrities or people of influence who are caught wearing their clothes more than once. That’s right, more than once??? So my question is if you’re famous are you expected to have on a different outfit each and everyday with no repeats? Obviously so if you get called out for wearing the same outfit more than once.
It’s funny, it happens to Kate Middleton all of the time. I’ve read too many articles about her recycled clothing such as here……
Clothing recycling is what normal people do everyday!
Funny though she continues to be a repeat “offender”. Royalty or non-royalty seems like nothing’s going to stop her from wearing the clothes she likes—as many times as she likes. Nothing wrong with that!  I have alot of respect for her! For one it makes her normal and on the other hand less wasteful. She’s wealthy enough to have “disposable clothing” but she doesn’t. Could you imagine what would happen if every woman chucked their clothes after just one wear? That would be so brutal on our environment and pretty demanding on our wallets.  Landfills are already overrun with discarded fashions—why haphazardly add to it?
I LOVE the idea of having wardrobe favorites and getting to wear them again. I rarely buy clothes but spend time sewing them for that purpose—to repeat wear.  To me that’s the joy of having favorite clothing! At the moment I LOVVEEEE anything with a peplum on it. Those are the cute tops that flare out at the bottom.  I sew them up and wear them over and over! And I’m sure to pass them on or thrift them to others for the same enjoyment when I’m done.
Again, aside from just liking to wear my clothes more than once I think it’s just plain all around more socially & economically responsible. So bravo to the clothing recycler’s of the world. Love it! Are you a “Serial Clothing Recycler”? What’s your favorite piece(s) that you love to wear all of the time?

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1 comment

  1. I totally agree Ms. Victoria! Actually I have many pieces in my closet that I’ve had for years (me made of course!) and I don’t have a problem repeating something (sometimes twice) within a week, LOL!

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