A popular saying has always been “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. Well that doesn’t seem to be the case in today’s society. Nowadays when it comes to photos “what you see isn’t what you get”.And as much as I hate to point fingers alot of this misleading happens in the fashion industry. If you haven’t noticed by now it seems our culture is inundated with this idea of perfection. People aspire to have the perfect nose, body, hair, etc. So many folks look at those (celebrities, models, sports figures, etc) who they deem fitting the stereotype as demigods while the rest of the masses work and alter themselves to try and achieve some sliver of perceived perfection. It never seems to amaze me the lengths people go to to perpetuate the illusion of perfection. Especially when it comes to print. Don’t believe me check out the link below. I want you to grab some popcorn and sit back and look at these little beauties. Now this is not to besmirch the celebrities in the photo by any means—they’re not usually the one’s editing the photo. The point is , you see we live in a world where people will go to great lengths to create an illusion of perfection. And all it is is an illusion. How desperate and how sad.
HERE — Celebrity Photoshop Fails
Source: http://www.seventeen.com/celebrity/a36513/photoshop-fails-of-2015/
Crazy huh? It’s all NONSENSE! See what I mean? I know this is a bit comical but I’m trying to make a point. Why go through such great lengths to alter those photos? Where is the truth in what you see anymore?
What saddens me is how this sorta illusion destroys women and girls who actually subscribe to it. Women who put themselves through situations and ordeals to try and look like “society’s the ideal woman”. That’s the most hurtful part of all.
But maybe this crazy cycle of lies and pointless striving can be broken. Maybe it begins with us as individuals. Maybe in embracing ourselves—our own unique beauty and exuding that confidence that we will begin to fight against the status quo. We’ll begin to fight against the illusions. And in loving and embracing ourselves we’ll be able to do it to others and create a community of women and girls who aren’t afraid to be themselves and who recognize their own beauty both inside and out.
So next time you’re tempted to pick up a magazine or look at a commercial and sulk in any way —please don’t. Whether the images have been altered or not isn’t the point—what I hope is altered is the way that you see those people as well as yourself. We are all uniquely and exceptionally beautiful and we don’t need any altered image to tell us that!
Yes! This is a great post Victoria! It would also help if we as a people start judging others as well. We need to except one another as we are and how God created us!
Absolutely Myra!!!!